Nutmeg is a well-known spice that is most often added to stews and sauces, most notably béchamel sauce.
Mill&Mortar nutmeg comes to you in its shell - preserved as nature intended. Nutmeg is a curious spice that actually provides two spices - the nutmeg itself (in the form of a nut) and the nutmeg flower (which is not actually a flower, but a fleshy covering around the nut). All this is contained in a chestnut-like pod, which bursts open when ripe. Nutmeg is a well-known spice that is most often used in stews and sauces, the most famous example here being Béchamel sauce. The nutmeg flower is less well known, but can be used like nutmeg itself - whole in stews, marinades and broths, or added to sausages. The taste is less intense than that of the nut and has a slightly sweet aftertaste, which is why it is used in cakes and desserts, especially in combination with chocolate and cream. The flower is also an ingredient in garam masala, a classic Indian spice. Mill&Mortar's nutmeg is sourced from a farming cooperative in Pilimathalawa, Sri Lanka and is preserved in the pod for optimal flavor and aroma retention. The nutmeg flower is entire and orange-red. Crack like a nut. Use the flower whole or in pieces (you can crush it in a mortar or grind it in a coffee grinder).