Tonka beans have a strong aroma of vanilla, lazarkin and bitter almonds. Others find aromas of sandalwood, magnolia, clove and even pear. These complex flavor characteristics make Tonka extremely popular for making sweet dishes, including ice cream and pastries, where it is grated and mixed with other dry spices or stirred into cream, ice cream or alcohol. It also combines very well with chocolate and fruits such as strawberries and apricots.
Tonka beans resemble a large raisin and are finely grated before use like nutmeg.
Tonka beans contribute a more delicate and complex aroma than vanilla, and their essential oils have been used in the perfumery industry for centuries. Tonka is particularly popular in French desserts and often features in the creations of luxury Parisian bakeries. In the cocktail world, Tonka is an excellent addition to rum-based drinks. Also, tonka is versatile enough to be used in savory cuisine, where the complex aroma helps to enhance the flavor of shellfish, mayonnaise, pumpkin soup and even mashed potatoes.
Tonka beans are the seeds of the flowering Cumaru tree, which can reach a height of 25-30 meters. Cumaru is native to Central and South America.