PAPER & TEA HAS A MISSION To enrich life and bring people and places in joyful moments together.

P & T is a Berlin-based company and pioneer of a worldwide growing movement for high-quality tea enjoyment.

Exclusively offers handmade whole leaf teas and herbal teas of the highest quality and as a supplier of fine and rare teas and pioneer of a sophisticated, modern tea culture in Berlin.

Meet the creative head behind the tea: Jens de Gruyter founded PAPER & TEA eleven years ago with the dream to simultaneously celebrate ancient tea wisdom and developing a modern tea culture. Camera in hand, we followed him through Berlin for a day, talking about where his passion for tea stems from and how he developed the idea behind PAPER & TEA.

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Всяка покупка подкрепя справедлива търговия и социални проекти в развиващите се страни.

Lemonaid и ChariTea създават напитки, такива каквито вярват, че трябва да бъдат направени – от най-добрите Fairtrade съставки. Суровините, които използват, се отглеждат биологично във Fairtrade плантации и от кооперативи, с които имат дългосрочни партньорства. So far, so delicious. 

През зимата на 2008 г., създателите на Lemonaid и ChariTea поемат дълбоко въздух и напускат ежедневната си работа и превръщат визията си в реалност. Точно като Beatles, техният бизнес израства в Сейнт Паули, Хамбург, тогава и сега - бохемски и оживен район. В кухнята си изцеждат сок от лайм, варят чай, трошат захар, канят приятели и си казват наздраве. Когато всички чаши са пресушени, решават, че са готови за Lemonaid & ChariTea.В резултат с неизбежни проблеми с капацитета на производство в кухнятя си и с малко помощ от опитни професионалисти, от лятото на 2009 г. малка био компания поема ролята на пълнене на бутилките. И се справят много добре.

The Art of Blending: THE Master Blends

Paper & Tea see the fine arts as an inexhaustible source of inspiration. They admire the craftsmanship and beauty behind a work of art and feel inspired by the creative work of artists. However, art can also arise from a subtler level: the art of a good conversation. The art of living the moment. The art of taking time for the crucial things in life. What is or isn’t art is most often decided by personal taste - and when it comes to taste, their masterfully crafted tea blends do have a say here!


Концепцията зад Lemonaid & ChariTea e една - да създава положителна промяна. Следват същия принцип и към upcycle инициативите си - работят здраво и целенасочено, за да намаляват, а не да добавят към отпадъка.

Това усилие ги свързва с Ghostbastler, заедно с които разработват цяла серия идеи за удобни домашни приложения на бутилките им. Благодарение на тях превръщат красивите си стъклени бутилки и бели щайги в лампи, столове, диспенсъри за сапун, вази, шейкъри и какво ли още не, които седят еднакво добре както вкъщи, така и в бара или в градината.

Unique creations

Did you know that the process of tea blending is an art itself? It requires a lot of talent and practice to succeed in that kind of craftsmanship. For years, our in-house tea experts have been mixing premium fruits, herbs, and organic tea with great passion, expertise, and creativity and composing new, true masterpieces. Created, designed, and hand-filled in Berlin, our Master Blends are exceptional creations that take you, with every sip, on a delightful journey. Awaken fond memories deep within yourself. And create an unforgettable tasteful experience.

Each blend balances a different combination of ingredients, making your cup dance in delicious harmony.“When we talk about tea blends, we refer to very fun teas full of colors and flavors. Besides the tea as a base, we add different ingredients, such as fruits, flowers, and spices. In this way, something new has been created that hasn’t been there before. It is a real challenge and at the same time, an homage to creativity.” Eduardo Molina Anfossi, PAPER & TEA Head of Tea Experience

Ingredients from all over the world

How does a single flavor transport us to another place or evoke memories and emotions within ourselves? Your cup is composed of various ingredients from all over the globe. The art of blending lies in their perfect composition. Each of our Master Blends tells you a story and takes all of you connoisseurs on a journey with every sip. In this way, every cup of tea becomes an outstanding world tour.

“Our Master Blends set a difference in the tea industry since we source high-quality organic ingredients from all over the world. Herbals from North Africa and South America, spices from India, flowers from the Mediterranean, and of course, teas from some of the most famous tea cultivation areas such as China, Japan, and Sri Lanka. A cup of our Master Blends is truly like a trip around the world.” Eduardo Molina Anfossi, PAPER & TEA Head of Tea Experience

Appealing to all senses

In the beginning, we start with a specific inspiration. And this can have multiple sources: caught in the culinary arts, on travels, or as simple as the intention to give people a perfect start into the day. Once the foundation has been set, the artfully creative process begins for the tea experts at PAPER & TEA. An adventurous journey that can take up to one year!
"The challenge (and pleasure at the same time!) is to create blends that appeal to all the senses and are a unique experience for everyone who tastes them. The most exceptional is their ability to transport people in space and time, evoke emotions and bring back memories once you enjoy a sip." Anastasia Arampatzi, PAPER & TEA Tea Taster & Buyer

The equal amount of time, love, and creativity that PAPER & TEA dedicates to tea composing is also present into the Master Blends designs. The original tea blends come playfully with a wink in colorfully designed packaging.The colorful caddies that are hand-filled in Berlin look very attractive and make lovely gifts. Ready to enjoy!



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